Monday, March 24, 2008

A first for me

Given the amount that I talk so much, its kinda strange that its taken me so long to set up a blog. I generally spew out crap, but feel free to add discussion. I also cant spell/write English property, so if you are a grammar Nazi I apologize for any torment these posts cause you.

So, the name "KiltedCorn". I apologize for the cheese, but I needed a name that reflected both my Scottish roots and my life as a Nebraskan. Everything else seemed to wordy....

Let the havering commence...


Niecey said...

I love the title. I'll have to make you a graphic. :)
I'll be following your blog for sure :)

Kinsleys5 said...

Great job on the graphic Niecey - it's perfect!

snobound said...

You've been "bookmarked"....looking forward to it!