Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Evolution observed?

This article came out today:

Favorite quote:
“This is significant to our understanding of how Darwinian evolution works,”
Hmm, I could be wrong, but I believe what was observed was the genetics between two types of mice, not to different animals. Evolution is when there is a change from one species to the next. As far as I can tell here one mouse "evolved" into another mouse.... wow

Why is it that there is such confusion over the issue of adaptation. It is reflected in too many areas of 'life' to count. To my knowledge it has been the only scientifically observed process - so how can it for the basis of an argument for species to species evolution?

An cosmic viewpoint

I recently came across this article on the BBC's website. It seems Mars is giving the scientists a hard time, trying to unlock the planet's secrets.

My favorite part is this
"The problem is if we just take into account the photochemistry as we know it on Earth and if we put it in the model, then we cannot reproduce the model and that was a surprise."
Could this possibly be yet again another example of the Earth's uniqueness? We keep banging on and on to scientists about our privalleged planet - why do you even expect it to work the same way?

I also love how the article keeps saying the gas could come from 'life' or geology - but only goes on to provide a geology explaination.

I dont pretend to know how to measure methane gas on another planet, but I don't expect their findings to ever be as uniformed as at least the 'press' would like to think....